Here’s the cover:
I know that I had an elephant subplot in Big Game, but I really love these animals. So I decided to make them the focus of a mystery.
Here’s the concept:
When a herd of elephants interrupts a big Friday night football game, the police enlist Teddy and his father to assist them in getting the animals safely back home to the elephant sanctuary. Only when they arrive, their owners realize one of the elephants has gone missing! The lone African elephant, Tanzy, is still out there somewhere.
Then Teddy’s best friend, Xavier, is accused of vandalizing a bulldozer in protest of a builder ruining a beloved piece of land they call TurtleTown. Teddy is torn. His friend needs him– but so does Tanzy. Can Teddy crack both cases before someone gets hurt?
Available everywhere books are sold on May13, 2025.
Click here to preorder your copy!
Cooper Wilson –
I am very flattered that you have been inspired to write by my books.
If I could make one suggestion though: It’s very difficult to draft a series of books, because you honestly don’t know if you’ll get to write them all. It all depends on how the first book does. So it really makes sense to focus on one book and put all your good stuff into that one — and if it works and the public wants more, then great, you can just come up with more ideas.
I am still doing all I can to get the SS movie made.
Hi Mr. Gibbs,
How is ‘Croatoan’ pronounced? I have a vague idea, but it would be nice to know!
Also, I was rereading SSPX and noticed that Erica said that some of the finest middle-grade novelists went to the University of Pennsylvania or something along those lines. Is that where you went?
(For the record, Erica’s right; you ARE one of the best middle-grade novelists)
Thank you!
Dear, Stuart Gibbs
(This will be a long comment) Last year you visited my school and i thought you were very funny and i just want to say you are my most favorite author. I just sometimes wish you were a robot producing 1 book a day because I am always checking your website to see if your nearest book has become any closer to being released(no luck 🙁 yet). By the way do you watch college football, if you do who do you think will win the college football championship. Ok that’s about it I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family.
P.S. If you do get a chance please become a robot I would love 1 book a day
Agent M –
I pronounce the word “CROW-uh-TOA-ann.”
Yes, I went to the University of Pennsylvania. (As did Jordan Sonnenblick, Adele Griffin and Julie Buxbaum, who have all written great MG and YA novels.)
Sorry, but I think that, even though humans can’t write books, they’re still better than anything robots (or AI) could write.
I am not going to make any assumptions about which team might win the championship, but I’m guessing that you;’re an Ohio State fan.
Hi Stuart Gibbs,
I am a huge fan,I read all of your books.
I am so excited for All Ears.
P.S.I am still hoping that there would be a Spy School Movie ? but would it be a cartoon or a film
I am still hoping that there will be a movie as well.
Have you been affected by the fires in Los Angeles?
Mr. Gibbs,
Do you plan on making your books into movies? Honestly, I’m reading the Spy School books and waiting for all ears. (Finished the MBA)
Michael B –
My house and family are safe, although many, many friends have lost their homes. So I have some friends staying with me now.
Aadi –
My blog has some older posts discussing the difficulty of trying to get the SS movie made. I am still trying though.
Is the Spy School series done? I am wondering because Murry Hill got arrested in ssgw. (Not saying he can’t escape again) Or if you continue the series will Ben get a new nemesis?
Gpa Hale –
The SS series is about Ben, not Murray.
You can find all future upcoming releases listed in the Upcoming Releases box on every page of this website. You will find the answer to your question there.
I like your books
I have a question
Are you planning to build your own library? I really hope you do.
Also, how is Dashiell and Violet doing?
Mr Librarian –
I have 37 books out right now. Gordon Korman has 105. I think he is closer to a library than I am.
My children are doing fine, thanks.
Hi Mr. Gibbs!
How many times have you been to Africa, and what is the rarest animal you have ever seen? (In Africa or anywhere else)
Agent M –
I have been to Africa seven times. The rarest animal I have ever seen is the northern white rhino, of which only two remain on earth.
It’s me again (idk if you remember me), been years since I last posted here. Anyway I hope you and your friends/family are staying safe with the fires happening in LA right now, things are looking very rough down there.
Elie Z –
Thanks for asking. (And yes, I remember you.) My immediate family is safe, as we don’t live that close to any of the fires, but many friends have lost their homes. The destruction this fire caused is staggering.
Hi Mr. Gibbs, I am very excited for your new book! You have been my favorite author since I first discovered your books and I can’t wait for it to come out.
August –
Thanks for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the new book!
Hi, this is Cooper again. I know I was going to write you back when I was done with the book I am writing, but I’m actually just wishing you good luck with all the fires in LA. I didn’t really know you lived there until a few days ago, and I hope you and your family are doing all right and your house isn’t burned down (which it probably isn’t, because you would have said something, but just in case).
Best Wishes!
Cooper –
Thanks for the good wishes. My house hasn’t burned down — but those of many of my friends have, as well as thousands of other people. It’s horrible.
dear Stuart Gibbs
I am a huge fan of all your books(especially spy school), I was just wondering if there will be a book after the “Spy school goes wild” Because you aways say there will definitely be a 13 book but according to google you already have 13 book about spy school (including the entrance exam).So will there be a a new book after spy school goes wild and what will it be called?
Boen –
When I say there will be a thirteenth book, I mean in the series, the way that you are thinking. The entrance exam is a companion book.
I have not released any info about the 13th book yet and won’t for a while. Stay tuned to this website. And you can always learn about upcoming releases by looking at the Upcoming Releases box on every single page of this website.
Very sorry to hear about your friends, I hope they’re not faced with too serious financial trouble. This is especially sad because the fires happened on what’s typically a wet season, and in the middle of winter. With how climate change is projected these problems are likely only going to get worse.
Hi Mr. Gibbs –
Random question, but are you a baseball fan, and if so, do you like or follow a specific team?
hi –
Yes, I follow baseball. But I don’t share my team favorites.
Hope all of his series go through so he can make the book go faster!
Hope you and your friends and family are okay during the fires in LA
Hey Mr. Gibbs! I was wondering if you would ever consider a mash-up of charlie thorne and spy school? The answer is probably no but worth asking!
-Super Fan Henry
Henry C –
I think that the world of Charlie Thorne and that of Spy School are very different so I am not planning a crossover at this time.
Teddy Fitzroy –
My family and I are fine, thanks, although many friends lost their homes.
Hello Mr. Gibbs,
I have been wondering how to pronounce Murray from Spy School, whether it be with a e sound at the end, or more of an a sound. Thank you, and hope you stay safe in LA with the fires.
PS It turns out you and I share the same month and day for our birthday, as you cleverly hid it in Moon Base Alpha 1 for Zan’s home planet name.
darthvader –
So cool that we share a birthday!
The name Murray is pronounced ‘Murr-ee.’
Is the funjungle and spy school series in the same universe because in spy school at sea, it says that Ben wears a shirt that says “Snakes Alive” so now I think that El Diablo might be Rick’s brother, because El Diablo says his brother is a bad person. Also in the first book the name xavier gonvalez is in the list of people with access to ben’s file.
funjunglefan –
It’s possible that the series could be in the same universe.
Or maybe they are in separate universes that each have a Snakes Alive and a person named Xavier Gonzalez.
I hope you and your family are safe. I am praying for you!
Kate K –
My family is safe, thanks. But so many people we know have lost their homes. The scale of the devastation is staggering.
bro people used to actually comment on this site all the time now barely any comments its kinda sad how everybody grows up.
Mr Gibbs,
I was wondering if there will be any nonbinary characters in any of your series.
Charlie thorn –
To be honest, I really don’t know.
Why did you want to study capybaras?
Capyperson –
Who wouldn’t want to study capybaras?