This should be pretty obvious from the title of this post, but Once Upon A Tim just got a rave review from the New York Times.
You can read the whole thing by clicking here, but here are some notable quotes:
“Fans of heraldic silliness like “The Princess Bride” and “Shrek” will delight in “Once Upon a Tim,” a charming take on the traditional knightly adventure.”
“The book’s fun comes from Gibbs’s deployment of deadpan humor and boisterous slapstick. Its heart lies in a clever subversion of type.”
“Writing may be magic, but so is reading.”
I should point out that Booklist also gave Tim a great review as well:
“This giddy romp through a medieval setting, complete with menacing trolls and gigantic, bloodthirsty butterflies, is the start of a promising series.”
Excited? Ready for a good story? Then just click here to order the book!
Also, I am happy with any good review, especially ones from readers. So if you have enjoyed Tim (or any of my books) feel free to post a positive review on Goodreads. Just click here.
(For tips on how to write a good review, check out this blog post.)
Yeah I love Once Apon A Tim when is book five coming out?
Nandish Koui –
I don’t know when Tim 5 is coming.