Hey everyone –
I know you have been waiting a long time for an update about the Spy School movie — and I am sure this is not what you were hoping for. It’s certainly not what I was hoping for.
After 54 weeks of doing nothing with the movie script, Disney decided that they were not going to move forward with the Spy School movie.
Why? I don’t really have a great answer for that. I was told that Disney had some concerns with the story involving kids in real danger — which you’d think they would have been able to figure out was part of the plot long ago, given the title.
Sadly, this kind of thing happens a lot in Hollywood. As I keep saying, it is very hard to get a movie made.
This does not mean the movie will never get made. My agents can now try to set the project up at another movie studio or streaming service. We will see what happens.
In the meantime, feel free to write angry letters to Disney or cancel your Disney + accounts in protest.
Class Seven I
Book 13 is coming in october 2025.
For future reference, all upcoming release information can be found in the Upcoming Releases box on every page of this website.
Hey Mr Gibbs, I know that the spy school movie is taking forever, so i had an idea. What if i made a spy school movie on youtube? I would need your permission because they are your characters and ideas. Maybe at some point you could have a cameo or something. Lemme know, Thanks! (I would be Ben ripley cuz lots of people say i look exactly like the graphic novel version)
Endrik Santos –
Unfortunately, I can’t let other people make the movie because that will actually impact getting a studio to agree to make the movie. Sorry.
Hello Mr. Gibbs I am is 6th grade and I can see why it is hard to make a movie about the the stories of Ben. I hope you keep trying. I love how you make the series in 1st person to think what I would be doing in Ben’s situation. I’m hoping that you don’t give up on ben. do you think you will make any more books? Thank you for changing the way I read. Thank you!!!
Graham Anderson –
I plan to make many more books.
For future reference, all upcoming releases are listed on every page of this website.
Mr Stuart Gibbs
Thanks for responding to my comment! I understand the whole movie situation is frustrating and you don’t have much information about it…but if there ever was open calls where would they be?
Mackenzie V –
I have no idea where open calls might be. That would entirely be up to the producers of the movie and the casting agents — and since there is no movie getting made at this time, those people don’t exist to make those decisions. Sorry.
Dear Mr Gibbs I am Batman from the Antarctica region!
I have a questions about the spy school movie
How is the movie going so far? Any news?
Would the movie be in a movie theater?
Can there be another series where it follows Ben and his friends into adulthood? I would read it! (So will many others who ship them)
Erica Ripley –
There is no more news to report about the movie at this time.
Since that is the case, I cannot say whether or not there would be a theatrical release — or simply a release to a streaming service.
Because of how publishing works, a series about adults would not be a middle grade series. So if I did a series like that, it would probably be for adults to read, not younger readers.
Hello I’m Big justice and PLS A SERIES ABT ERICA AND BEN IN COLLEGE OR IN ADULTHOOD I’m 16 and I need one of those series like “Spy college “ which shows Erica and Ben older
I also want Erica to show more possession or love over ben in the new spy school books!
Sincerely: Big justice
Big Justice –
I discuss the issues of making Ben and Erica older in the comment directly above this one.
How many spy school books do you plan on writing in the series?
EricA –
I do not know how many books will be in any of my series.
Is their going to be more books after Spy school goes wild?
Also I want to say I am a big fan you have done a great job because I have read all your books like 10 times.
Thanks and good job on your other books(:
Buggest Fan –
Thanks for being a fan.
Yes, there will be more SS books.
You can find all future upcoming releases listed in the Upcoming Releases box on every page of this website.
Dear Mr Gibbs, I love your books of the Moon Base Alpha, Funjungle, and Spy School. It’s ok that there is no spy school movie, because I know there is gonna be one someday. I will always support you.
Tony W –
Thanks for your kind words.
Dear Mr Gibbs, I know how you fell about the spy school movie when I read the book I realized there needs to be a movie. I want to set up a meeting with you to discuss it. I promise if if I can A MOVIE WILL BE MAID.
Chase –
I am doing everything I can to get a movie made through the Hollywood studio system.
I love all of your books, and I hope you make more. I understand that the Spy School movie isn’t being made, but I hope someday maybe it’ll be made! Maybe whenever you’re free and I’m out of middle school, we can meet up and talk about making it happen. If we could do that, that would be swasome.
Logan, Laryk and Kate –
Thanks for the offer. I am hoping that the SS movie gets made before that, but who knows?
Stuart can you pls make a book about an space plot, like a nuke that is going to nuke china or something like that
Hey Stuart Gibbs! You actually replied to one of my comments. Anyway, I was wondering if you could take my ideas for the next book into consideration? You don’t have to if you don’t want to by the way.
– idk
Samuel R –
Sorry but I can’t accept ideas from readers. And I have already done a series set in space: Moon Base Alpha.
idk –
Sorry but I cannot take reader’s suggestions for upcoming books under consideration.
Hi Mr. Gibbs, I love your Spy School series and have read every book like 5+ times. I support you making your movie.
Ben Ripley –
Wow, that’s a lot of times to read my books. So glad that you have enjoyed them!
Could my friends and I make a spy school movie of our own?
Lando Raz –
You can certainly make a Spy School movie just for fun. But not for profit.
What is the Title and plot of spy school #13?
Lando Raz –
The reason I haven’t posted either the title and plot of SS#13 is because I haven;t revealed either of those yet.
Be patient. I will post in the next few weeks.
Can you please bring back Chip and Jawa?
Grahame Wood –
The problem with having so many characters is that I can’t have every one of them in every book I write.
But just know that I am aware that many people want Chip and Jawa to return.
I have an a question? This may help you make the movie. How come that they made a movie called Spy kids including kids within the movie. If they can make the movie why can’t you.
(P.S love your book series)
Grahame Wood –
Never try to look for any logic in decisions made by studio executives. There often isn’t any.
Hey Stuart Gibbs! So basically I recently noticed this author, Beth McMullen, who has a series called Spy School for Girls. Do you know about this because I feel like this is really stolen.
idk –
I do know about that series. I do not think it was stolen. Just similar.
Dear Stuart Gibb,
I love your books so much, and I look foward to the movie so much.
Sincerely , Derek
Hi Mr Gibbs, i am a huge fan and i read your books in my spare time and my reading time at school. I am wondering if there would be series that are mystery
Dear Stuart Gibb,
I love your books so much, and I look foward to the movie.
Sincerely , Derek
The FunJungle and MBA series are both mystery and some of my other books qualify too. (Spy School was nominated for best mystery by the Mystery Writers of America.)
Hi I love your books I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful books you write and make more SS books PLZ. That would be swasome and I will write a letter to the people at disney ok.
Hai Mr Gibbs, I was wondering if there will be a spy school 13 and 14 plus how are you doing 🙂 p.s. I AM A STUDENT A HOGWARTS THAT IS LEARNING TO BE A SPY
BIGgest fan –
I am working on more SS books!
SS13 out this fall. All upcoming releases are listed in the Upcoming Releases box on every page of this website.